constant stream of curated content
by QZ - about 25 minutes
Kyle Wool, chief executive officer of Dominari Securities, spoke with Quartz for the latest installment of our “Smart Investing” video series.Read more...
by Buzzfeed - about 29 minutes
From fancy foot peels to springy toe stretchers — there's a whole world of products that'd love to, ahem, meet your feet.View Entire Post ›
by BBC - about 29 minutes
The cause of the sails' collapse from the roof of the world famous cabaret club is not yet clear.
by QZ - about 30 minutes
by The Verge - about 30 minutes
A power plant in Thompsons, Texas, U.S. that’s home to the Petra Nova Carbon Capture Project on Thursday, Feb. 16, 2017. | Luke Sharrett/Bloomberg via Getty Images The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has just finalized rules aimed at slashing greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. But it still doesn’t crack down on the nation’s fleet of gas-fired power plants. That’s a big omission considering the US gets 43 percent of its electricity from gas, more than from any other source of energy. EPA administrator Michael Regan says the agency is taking more time to strengthen rules for today’s existing gas power plants. But waiting too long risks leaving the decision up to a possible forthcoming...
by Courrier International - about 30 minutes
C’est ce qu’aurait dit un jour le général de Gaulle… sauf qu’il ne l’a jamais dit. Retour sur ce petit malentendu historique franco-brésilien. Quant à la question, elle reste posée !
by Courrier International - about 45 minutes
Depuis 2010, les projets de nouvelles villes intelligentes fleurissent sur le continent africain, comme celles de l’acteur Idris Elba ou du chanteur Akon. Mais beaucoup échouent car ils n’ont pas su répondre aux demandes des populations locales.
by Korben - about 53 minutes
Vous avez une vieille vidéo toute pourrie, floue à souhait, qui date de Mathusalem et bien avec VideoGigaGAN d’Adobe, elle va se transformer en une magnifique séquence HD, avec des détails si nets que vous pourrez compter les poils de nez des gens qui sont dessus ! VideoGigaGAN est ce qu’on appelle un modèle d’IA génératif. En gros, ce machin est capable de deviner les détails manquants dans une vidéo pourrave pour la rendre méga classe. Les petits gars d’Adobe ont balancé des exemples sur leur GitHub et franchement, c’est impressionnant. On passe d’une vidéo degueulasse à un truc ultra net, avec des textures de peau hallucinantes et des détails de fou ! En plus, cette IA est capable...
by Korben - about 1 hour
Vous connaissez OpenELM ? Non, normal, ça vient de sortir. Et c’est une famille de modèles IA open-source made in Apple conçus pour tourner directement sur vos appareils, sans passer par le cloud. En gros, c’est de l’IA maison dans nos iPhone, iPad et Mac…etc. OpenELM combine plusieurs modèles de langage naturel (LLMs) utilisant des algorithmes évolutionnistes qui exploitent les principes techniques suivants : Layer-wise scaling strategy : Cette stratégie consiste à allouer les paramètres dans les couches d’un modèle transformeur pour améliorer l’exactitude. Les modèles sont pré-alourés avec un budget de paramètres de 270 millions, 450 millions, 1,1 milliard et 3 milliards....
by Le Monde - about 1 hour
Plus de six ans après y avoir exposé ses ambitions européennes, le chef de l’Etat s’exprimera à nouveau au sujet de l’Union européenne à l’université de la Sorbonne jeudi, à 11 heures.
by HackAdAy - about 1 hour
Battery technology is the major limiting factor for the large-scale adoption of electric vehicles and grid-level energy storage. Marginal improvements have been made for lithium cells in the past decade but the technology has arguably been fairly stagnant, at least on massive industrial scales. At smaller levels there have been some more outside-of-the-box developments for things like embedded systems and, at least in the case of this battery that can recharge itself, implantable batteries for medical devices.
The tiny battery uses sodium and gold for the anode and cathode, and takes oxygen from the body to complete the chemical reaction. With a virtually unlimited supply of oxygen available to it, the battery...
by Korben - about 1 hour
— Article en partenariat avec Incogni — Ah, les data brokers, ces entreprises mystérieuses dont on entend parler à peine plus souvent que de la météo sur Pluton (jamais en gros). Pourtant, ces entités obscures ont les mains (ou plutôt les serveurs) pleines de données, récoltées dans les plus sombres recoins numériques. J’ai déjà abordé le sujet sur ce site, mais comment opèrent-ils concrètement ? Voyage dans les entrailles du web pour percer le mystère des data brokers et comment lutter avec l’aide d’Incogni. Qui sont-ils et que font-ils ? Les data brokers, ce sont un peu les fantômes du cyberespace. On les connait rarement de nom, mais ils traquent nos traces numériques comme...
by Le Monde - about 2 hours
A quelques semaines de la fin de l’année universitaire, les manifestations et les sit-in des étudiants propalestiniens se multiplient dans les universités de tout le pays.
by Korben - about 2 hours
Localsumm est un générateur de résumés nouvelle génération qui tourne direct dans votre navigateur Chrome, sans envoyer vos données sur le cloud. Sous le capot, cette petite extension magique utilise un modèle de langage maison développé par Microsoft : le fameux Phi-3. C’est une sorte de cousin du célèbre GPT, mais en version allégée et spécialisée dans le résumé de texte. Pour tester cette merveille, c’est assez simple. Déjà, il faut avoir Chrome (ou un clone open source comme Brave ou Chromium) puis : Installez et lancez Ollama Entrez la commande ollama run phi3 dans le terminal pour déployer le modèle Phi-3 Bidouillez un peu les paramètres CORS de votre navigateur (voici un tuto...
by Actutech - about 2 hours
Meta a annoncé des prévisions de revenus pour le trimestre en cours qui ne répondent pas aux attentes de Wall Street, tout en révélant des plans pour accroître substantiellement ses dépenses en intelligence artificielle. Malgré des résultats financiers solides pour les trois premiers mois de l'année, cette annonce a semé le doute parmi les investisseurs.Au cours du premier trimestre, la société a enregistré un chiffre d'affaires de 36,5 milliards de dollars, en hausse de 27% par rapport à l'année dernière, et légèrement au-dessus des prévisions de 36,1 milliards. Le bénéfice net a atteint 12,4 milliards, plus que doublant les 5,7 milliards de 2023. Cependant, pour ce trimestre, elle...
by Korben - about 2 hours
Et si aujourd’hui, on parlait un peu de l’extension CSS Compatibility Checker pour Visual Studio Code ? Un outil juste dingue qui va vous aider à voir en un clin d’œil si votre code est compatible avec tous les navigateurs. Plus besoin de passer des heures à éplucher la doc ou de croiser les doigts en espérant que ça passe, cette petite merveille va vous changer la vie ! Imaginez un peu le topo : vous êtes tranquillou en train de tapoter votre CSS, vous balancez une propriété backdrop-filter pour flouter votre background avec classe et là bim 💥, l’extension vous remonte direct que c’est pas compatible avec certaines vieilles versions de navigateurs. Ou alors vous utilisez un mot-clé un...
by Le Monde - about 3 hours
Mercredi soir, « l’amphithéâtre extérieur du campus du 1 rue Saint-Thomas a été occupé par une soixantaine d’étudiants militant en faveur de la cause palestinienne, contribuant à un fort climat de tensions pour les étudiants, les enseignants et les salariés » de l’école, selon la direction.
by BBC - about 3 hours
Hamas issues a proof-of-life video of US-Israeli Hersh Goldberg-Polin, abducted on 7 October.
by daryo Bluesky - about 3 hours
Watch Office Pals John Krasinski and Steve Carell Reunite for If
by Le Monde - about 3 hours
Plus de 2 000 vols en Europe ont été supprimés et 1 000 risquent d’être déroutés pour éviter l’espace aérien français, selon la principale association de compagnies aériennes.
by La Horde - about 4 hours
Rendez-vous vendredi 26 avril à 19h au local de la CNT (33, rue des Vignoles, métro Avron ou Buzenval) pour discuter autour de notre livre. -
by Le Taurillon - about 4 hours
Le 13 mars 2024, date désormais gravée dans l'histoire européenne : le Parlement européen a franchi un pas de géant en adoptant l'AI Act, un règlement pionnier visant à encadrer l'utilisation de l'intelligence artificielle (IA). Cette initiative marque non seulement le tout premier cadre juridique complet régissant l'IA au monde, mais elle positionne également l'Europe en tant que leader mondial dans ce domaine en plein développement. Plus qu'une simple réglementation, l'AI Act représente une manifestation clé du soft power européen, renforçant encore un peu plus l'influence de l'Europe sur la scène mondiale. L'adoption de l'AI Act survient à un moment crucial où l'IA offre des opportunités...
by HackAdAy - about 4 hours
[samsuksiri] frequently uses a laptop and has an external drive to store projects. The drive flops around on the end of its tether and gets in the way, so they repurposed their old iPod pouch and attached it to the laptop lid with double-sided tape. You can guess how that went — the weight of the drive caused the pocket to sag and eventually detach over time.
Then [samsuksiri] remembered that they had LEGO DOTS patch stashed somewhere. It’s an 8×8 plate with adhesive on the back so you can build almost anywhere. Then the problem was this: how to attach LEGO to the drive itself? You’d think this is where the hot glue comes in, but that didn’t work because the drive is too slippery.
Nothing worked,...
by BBC - about 5 hours
The US has previously warned that Russia is trying to develop a space-based, anti-satellite weapon.
by daryo Bluesky - about 5 hours
Les premiers clients de Tesla étaient des démocrates. Ils se sont détournés de la marque à cause des prises de positions d’elon musk. D’où une chute abyssale des ventes et du bénéfice.
by La Horde - about 5 hours
Le Local libertaire de Mâcon a une nouvelle fois subit l'attaque de militants d'extrême droite d'Active Club, mais cette fois-ci en s'en prenant à un bénévole -
Actualités / Extrême droite radicale, Violences d'extrême droite, Mâcon, Active Club
by The Verge - about 5 hours
Cath Virginia / The Verge | Photo by Brendan Hoffman, Getty Images Here’s a roundup of all the news about a new law requiring parent company ByteDance to sell off its platform. Continue reading…
by Buzzfeed - about 5 hours
Because nothing says "I love you, Mom" like a Golden Girls magnet set.View Entire Post ›
by Courrier International - about 5 hours
Le président américain Joe Biden a promulgué mercredi un vaste plan d’assistance à l’Ukraine, qui comprendra notamment des missiles longue portée. Son administration a toutefois reconnu que l’aide américaine ne résoudrait pas tous les problèmes.
by Buzzfeed - about 5 hours
Now that you've got a tabletop s'mores fire pit and heart-shaped bowls, movie night will never be the same.View Entire Post ›
by Pseudo-sciences - about 6 hours
Contamination et pollution sont deux notions scientifiques différentes et savoir les distinguer a beaucoup d'importance dans le débat public. La contamination est caractérisée par la présence d'une ou de plusieurs substances chimiques dans un sol du fait des activités humaines [1]. Cette définition exclut une origine naturelle, provenant par exemple de substances déposées suite à une éruption volcanique ou héritées de la composition chimique du matériau géologique ayant participé à la (…) Articles
by Buzzfeed - about 6 hours
"The first time my mom and I were alone after meeting her, she turned to me and said, 'You must be really good in bed.'"View Entire Post ›
by Le Monde - about 6 hours
Dans un premier paquet d’aide militaire d’un milliard de dollars, mercredi, la Maison Blanche a accepté d’inclure des projectiles capables d’atteindre des cibles situées à 300 kilomètres, avec une précision de quelques dizaines de mètres.
by HackAdAy - about 7 hours
In the world of software development the term ‘optimization’ is generally reason for experienced developers to start feeling decidedly nervous, especially when a feature is marked as an ‘easy and free optimization’. The final keyword introduced in C++11 is one of such features. It promises a way to speed up object-oriented code by omitting the vtable call indirection by marking a class or member function as – unsurprisingly – final, meaning that it cannot be inherited from or overridden. Inspired by this promise, [Benjamin Summerton] figured that he’d run a range of benchmarks to see what performance uplift he’d get on his ray tracing project.
To be as thorough as possible, the tests were run...
by New Yorker - about 8 hours
The editor-in-chief and president of the Yale Daily News reports on the arrest of fellow-students on campus this week.
by The Verge - about 10 hours
Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge The generative AI gold rush is underway — just don’t expect it to create profits anytime soon.
That was the message from Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to investors during Wednesday’s call for the company’s first-quarter earnings report. Having just put its ChatGPT competitor in a bunch of places across Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp, much of the call focused on exactly how generative AI will become a money-making endeavor for Meta. The company is already quite profitable, having grown net income to more than $12 billion on $36.5 billion in revenue in the last quarter alone. But its revenue growth is expected to slow going forward. At the same time, it’s spending...
by io9 - about 10 hours
Audrey Tautou in Amélie.Image: MiramaxTry putting pure joy into words. The English language has plenty of worthy adjectives and beautiful metaphors but nothing quite comes close to actually, perfectly capturing what it feels like to be completely filled with happiness. To reverberate with delight. To float on cloud nine. No, to adequately capture that feeling, you need more than just words. You need pictures, you need sounds, you need story. You need... Amélie.Directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, the 2001 fantasy romance recently got a limited edition Blu-ray steelbook release, and it felt like the perfect opportunity to revisit a film that has long been one of my personal favorites. I saw Amélie in theaters...
by BBC - about 10 hours
Missiles delivered this month have been used to strike Russian targets in Crimea, US media say.
by HackAdAy - about 10 hours
Over the past century or so we’ve come up with some clever ways of manipulating photons to do all kinds of interesting things. From lighting to televisions and computer screens to communication, including radio and fiber-optics, there’s a lot that can be done with these wave-particles and a lot of overlap in their uses as well. That’s why you can take something like a fairly standard Wi-Fi antenna meant for fairly short-range communication and use it for some other interesting tasks like downloading satellite data.
Weather satellites specifically use about the same frequency range as Wi-Fi, but need a bit of help to span the enormous distance. Normally Wi-Fi only has a range in the tens of meters, but...
by QZ - about 11 hours
A study recently published in the peer-reviewed American Psychologist journal claims that a combination of facial recognition and artificial intelligence technology can accurately assess a person’s political orientation by simply looking at that person’s blank, expressionless face. Read more...
by io9 - about 11 hours
Gif: LucasfilmWhen we first met General Grievous 20 years ago this month in Genndy Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars microseries, it gave him an immediate, chilling presence. But then Revenge of the Sith, and with it the Clone Wars 3DCG series, constrained what could be done with the character. Grievous took on the air of a Saturday morning cartoon villain—twirling lightsabers rather than mustaches. Tales of the Empire is keeping the twirling lightsabers, but it might just bring back a little of that original menace, too.Today Lucasfilm released the first clip from the upcoming anthology series Tales of the Empire—its spiritual successor to Tales of the Jedi, this time focusing on stories of the Dark Side,...
by QZ - about 11 hours
Chipotle’s solution for cutting avocados may be coming to a store near you as early as this year.Read more...
by BBC - about 11 hours
While the Speaker visited Columbia, police confronted pro-Palestinian protesters at campuses in Texas and California.
by Hiram - about 11 hours
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Cet article Le Message iniatique de Goethe franc-maçon est apparu en premier sur
by Hiram - about 11 hours
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Cet article Les jeudis maçonniques parfois un peu moqueurs, 201 est apparu en premier sur
by The Verge - yesterday at 23:40
Image: The Verge Threads is testing the option to automatically hide your old posts. Instagram head Adam Mosseri says the feature is only available to a “small number” of users for now, but it will let you choose to archive individual posts manually or have them automatically archived after a certain amount of time.
You can see an example of how the feature might look in Mosseri’s post on Threads. Users with access to the test should be able to manually archive their content by hitting the three dots in the top-right corner of a post and selecting “Archive now.” This will give users the option to hide certain posts on their profiles, similar to the archive option on Instagram. Mosseri says that users...
by New Yorker - yesterday at 23:38
At his criminal trial, the ex-President has to sit there while potential jurors, prosecutors, the judge, witnesses, and even his own lawyers talk about him as a defective, impossible person.
by Wired - yesterday at 23:30
Meet Thermonator. It blasts fire up to 30 feet and has Bluetooth.
by io9 - yesterday at 23:20
Ralph Fiennes, Jodie Comer and Aaron Taylor-Johnson will star in 28 Years Later.Photo: Theo Wargo, Joe Maher, Gareth Cattermole (Getty Images)Director Danny Boyle and writer Alex Garland are not screwing around when it comes to their upcoming zombie film, 28 Years Later. Jodie Comer, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and Ralph Fiennes are the first three actors who’ve joined the film, a follow-up to the cult classics 28 Weeks Later and 28 Days Later.Deadline broke the news of the casting but there’s no word on who anyone is playing or what the movie is even about. Still, casting three recognizable, famous actors is a marked change from the first two films, which went with relatively (at least at the time) unknowns....
by The Verge - yesterday at 23:12
BattleGC Pro in limited-edition crystal. | Image: Retro Fighters This new BattlerGC Pro controller looks like it could be the ultimate GameCube gamepad — one with drift-resistant Hall effect joysticks, hybrid analog / digital triggers, programmable back buttons, a rechargeable battery with a USB-C port, and the ability to use it across different consoles and systems thanks to Bluetooth support. And of course, it’s the latest controller to host the best face button layout ever, and I will fight to the Final Destination defending it!
I do, however, acknowledge the GameCube controller layout is not everyone’s favorite, so it’s no surprise there aren’t a lot of great modern GameCube controller options...
by New Yorker - yesterday at 22:45
How the viral TikToks of a Chinese glycine factory elucidate our increasingly chaotic digital environment.
by io9 - yesterday at 22:30
John Krasinski and Steve Carell on The Office.Image: NBCMany of us watch The Office more often than we care to admit. We’ve spent so much time with the series that, over the years, the characters and the actors who portray themhave almost become family. So when a video like this comes online, it’s more than just delightful. It’s cathartic.Two of the biggest actors to come off The Office, John Krasinski and Steve Carell, are soon teaming back up for Krasinski’s new movie, If. It’sa family movie about a child who can see the imaginary friends adults have long left behind. Krasinski wrote and directed the film and Carell provided his voice— which meant, at some point, the two had to meet up again....
by Wired - yesterday at 22:05
Atlus promises its next game, out later this year, will be a culmination of all of its beloved RPGs.
by HackAdAy - yesterday at 22:00
Lasers are pretty much magic — it’s all done with mirrors. Not every laser, of course, but in the 1980s, the most common lasers in commercial applications were probably the helium-neon laser, which used a couple of mirrors on the end of a chamber filled with gas and a high-voltage discharge to produce a wonderful red-orange beam.
The trouble is, most of the optical power gets left in the tube, with only about 1% breaking free. Luckily, there are ways around this, as [Les Wright] demonstrates with this external passive cavity laser. The guts of the demo below come from [Les]’ earlier teardown of an 80s-era laser particle counter, a well-made instrument powered by a He-Ne laser that was still in fine...
by Torrentfreak - yesterday at 21:09
The joint press release issued Monday by the Premier League and Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE) was unusual right from the start.
Published early on Monday, even the timing was a break from the norm, but the content was even more surprising. Following criminal referrals by the Premier League and ACE, an operator of BestBuyIPTV – a platform that has appeared on the USTR’s Notorious Markets report for the past five years – had been convicted at the People’s Court of Hanoi. For a country where criminal referrals have traditionally disappeared into the ether, that could be a very big deal.
Sentencing Details Are Somewhat Puzzling
The press release clearly identifies Le Hai Nam as “the...