constant stream of curated content
by Buzzfeed - about 19 minutes
Treats moms will adore, for every budget.View Entire Post ›
by Wired - about 20 minutes
The world is already committed to warming that will undercut the global economy by 20 percent between now and 2050. That’s six times the price of limiting warming to 2 degrees Celsius.
by QZ - about 20 minutes
This week was a positive sign for the tech IPO market, as Ibotta made a successful debut on the public market, and Microsoft-backed Rubrik announced it’s seeking up to $713 million in its IPO.Read more...
by QZ - about 20 minutes
The world’s most important semiconductor foundry predicted its second-quarter sales may rise by up to 30%— higher than previously projected— amid an AI boom driven by its customers including Nvidia and Apple. Read more...
by QZ - about 20 minutes
Adidas’ profit is being buoyed by its controversial Yeezy collection. Amazon says its Dash Cart technology uses AI, not humans, to monitor shoppers. Nike’s CEO is blaming remote work for its production innovation lag.Read more...
by QZ - about 20 minutes
The American Airlines pilots’ union is really concerned about a pattern of “problematic” things it has noticed happening at airports, suggesting that United Airlines soon might not be the only carrier having safety problems. A Boeing whistleblower continues to beat his drum about alleged defects with the 787 and 777…Read more...
by QZ - about 20 minutes
The Food and Drug Administration said this week that more doses of Eli Lilly’s popular diabetes and weight loss drugs will be in limited supply through the end of June. Johnson & Johnson’s recent bets on heart devices helped boost sales, but the company’s total revenue in the first quarter of the year failed to meet…Read more...
by Toute l'Europe - about 23 minutes
A l’approche du scrutin, les têtes de liste aux élections européennes multiplient les meetings à travers la France - Crédits : comptes X des candidats Comme pour chaque campagne électorale, les meetings politiques se succèdent à mesure que le scrutin approche. Ces moments de rencontre entre les candidats et leurs sympathisants permettent aux candidats de mettre en avant leurs propositions programmatiques. Les principaux partis ont d’ores et déjà tenu leurs premiers meetings de campagne, mais bon nombre d’événements seront organisés un peu partout en France jusqu’au scrutin, le 9 juin. Sommaire Meetings de la majorité présidentielle (Renaissance, Horizons, MoDem, Parti radical et UDI)...
by Le Monde - about 42 minutes
Des explosions ont été entendues près de sites militaires en Iran, vendredi. L’ampleur de l’attaque n’est pas encore connue. Depuis l’attaque iranienne de samedi, la communauté internationale pressait Israël de mener une riposte modérée afin de ne pas provoquer un embrasement régional.
by Courrier International - about 57 minutes
Victime des coupes budgétaires du gouvernement ultralibéral du président Javier Milei, l’université de Buenos Aires s’est récemment déclarée en urgence budgétaire. Son fonctionnement est en péril.
by Le Monde - about 58 minutes
Alors que la préfecture du Nord avait interdit la conférence sur la Palestine de La France insoumise, tout comme l’université de Lille la veille, l’ancien candidat à la présidentielle a tenu un discours virulent aux parallèles injurieux, fustigeant « les délateurs » et se disant victime de « violence politique ».
by Actutech - about 1 hour
L'arrivée d'un événement majeur que les enthousiastes de la crypto ont marqué dans leur calendrier, le halving, prévu pour la troisième semaine d'avril, pourrait jouer un rôle important dans l'évolution du Bitcoin.C'est quoi le Halving ?Le halving, ou la division par deux, est un mécanisme automatique de réduction de la quantité de nouveaux Bitcoins créés et introduits en circulation. Tous les quatre ans environ, la récompense distribuée aux mineurs pour la validation de nouvelles transactions est réduite de moitié. Actuellement, cette récompense s'élève à 6.25 Bitcoins par bloc validé. Ce processus est censé réduire l'inflation et augmenter la valeur de la monnaie à long terme. Le...
by Korben - about 1 hour
PyTorch, le framework chouchou des bidouilleurs d’IA, vient de nous pondre un petit truc cool : Torchtune ! 💎 Cette nouvelle bibliothèque native, encore en phase alpha mais déjà disponible en open-source sur GitHub, va vous permettre de fine-tuner les gros modèles de langage (LLM) comme un pro, sans vous prendre la tête. Torchtune est donc une boîte à outils hyper flexible et modulaire qui va vous permettre de vous éclater à customiser des modèles pour vos propres besoins, le tout avec des recettes mémoire efficaces qui tournent même sur une bête carte graphique de gamer, comme les NVidia 3090/4090. Son secret ? Une architecture bien pensée qui mise sur l’interopérabilité avec...
by BBC - about 1 hour
Russia strikes two cities in Ukraine's central Dnipropetrovsk region, hitting the station in Dnipro.
by HackAdAy - about 1 hour
Photography is all about light, and capturing it for posterity. As any experienced photographer will tell you, getting the right lighting is key to getting a good shot. To help in that regard, you might like to have a fill light. If you follow [tobychui]’s example, you can build your own!
The build relies on addressable WS2812B LEDs as the core of the design. While they’re not necessarily the fanciest LEDs for balanced light output, they are RGB LEDs, so they can put out a ton of different colors for different stylistic effects. The LEDs are under the command of a Wemos D1, which provides a WiFI connection for wireless control of the light.
[tobychui] did a nice job of building a PCB for the...
by Le Monde - about 2 hours
« Un immeuble de cinq étages est en flammes à Dnipro. Il est partiellement détruit. Il pourrait y avoir des gens sous les décombres », a affirmé le gouverneur régional, faisant aussi état de dégâts dans le district de Kryvy Rih, au sud-ouest de Dnipro.
by Actutech - about 2 hours
Le nouvel album de Pearl Jam semble incarner tout ce que Eddie Vedder et son groupe ont toujours refusé de faire, et pourtant, ils le font avec une audace remarquable.Connu pour son dédain habituel pour le marketing, le charismatique chanteur a surpris beaucoup de monde lors de la présentation de ce Dark Matter. Sans aucune exagération, il a proclamé: « Je pense que c'est notre meilleur travail. » Pour un groupe qui a déjà produit des classiques intemporels comme "Ten", cette affirmation pourrait sembler prétentieuse, mais elle témoigne de la confiance de l'intéressé dans ce nouveau projet. Le douzième opus du groupe s'aventure dans des territoires conceptuels avec un titre faisant allusion à...
by Le Monde - about 2 hours
L’adolescente « est décédée en fin d’après-midi » jeudi, a annoncé le recteur de l’académie de Strasbourg. Une alerte avait été lancée après que deux écolières avaient été attaquées au couteau par un individu présentant des antécédents psychiatriques.
by KCRW - about 2 hours
The latest film releases include Abigail, The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare, We Grown Now, and The People's Joker. Weighing in are Christy Lemire, film critic for and co-host of the YouTube channel Breakfast All Day, and Shawn Edwards, film critic for FOX-TV in Kansas City and co-founder of the African American Film Critics Association.
by KCRW - about 2 hours
Participant Media founder Jeff Skoll is shutting down operations of the 20-year-old production company behind An Inconvenient Truth, Good Night and Good Luck, and Green Book. What prompted his decision to end the industry-beloved company? Also: Two Congress members aren’t happy with Disney, Fox, and Warner Bros. Discovery’s plans to form the joint sports streamer nicknamed “Spulu.” What fueled their decision to write a letter addressed to respective studio bosses Iger, Murdoch, and Zaslav? Kim Masters and Matt Belloni dive in. Participant no more? Founder Jeff Skoll plans to dissolve a majority of the studio’s 100-person staff in the midst of uncertain times in Hollywood. “Participant was the ideal...
by KCRW - about 2 hours
After a 2022 exposé about disturbing conduct in front of and behind the cameras on some of Nickelodeon’s biggest hits, filmmakers Mary Robertson and Emma Schwartz decided to explore the facts in an investigative docuseries. “We thought that these were really meaningful questions because the content that was created on these sets was then distributed to children all around the world,” says Robertson. “And children are impressionable … what they absorb shapes their sense of normality, and their cultural standards and mores generally.” Robertson and Schwartz talk about working with Kate Taylor, author of the Business Insider exposé, to uncover what happened at Nickelodeon on star producer Dan...
by Korben - about 2 hours
Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé ce qui se cache dans les profondeurs obscures des dépôts Git publics ? Eh bien, figurez-vous qu’il y a un outil en ligne qui permet de dénicher des trucs de dingue ! Ça s’appelle et c’est un moteur de recherche qui va vous faire halluciner. Concrètement, vous balancez votre recherche dans la barre et hop, ça vous sort tous les résultats où votre mot-clé apparaît dans les repos Git publics. Genre, vous tapez une adresse email et vous tombez sur tous les endroits où elle est mentionnée. Mais attention, hein… Y a pas que des trucs anodins qui traînent dans ces dépôts. Si vous cherchez un peu, vous pouvez même tomber sur des clés d’API AWS ou...
by KCRW - about 2 hours
Is the media’s coverage adding to the difficulties of Donald Trump’s criminal case? Where does protest cross the line into hate speech?
by KCRW - about 2 hours
Ray McGovern, the 27-year CIA veteran who counseled seven presidents, joins host Robert Scheer in a "Theatre of the Absurd" reenactment of McGovern's historic role. Scheer plays a stern and uncompromising president receiving an uncomfortable briefing from McGovern on the most pressing issues of the day, from Ukraine to Israel to China.
by BBC - about 2 hours
Whatever happens next, the rules of the "the game" between the two countries have changed, writes Jeremy Bowen.
by daryo Bluesky - about 3 hours
Réorganisation régionale et maintien confirmé d’avantages financiers « acquis »
by Journal du Lapin - about 3 hours
Vu sur eBay pour une centaine d’euros, un prototype de carte mère. Elle est destinée à un Apple Workgroup Server (WGS) 9150. C’est une carte avec pleins d’emplacements pour la RAM, plusieurs emplacements NuBus, un connecteur (bleu) de debug. Vu le marquage, le processeur est un PowerPC 601 à 120 MHz (Speed Bump) et la mémoire cache est de 1 Mo. On peut voir ce qui est visiblement un module Peltier couplé à un ventilateur.
La carte mère
La ROM et la mémoire cache
« Speed Bump »
Pleins de SIMM
Pleins de NuBus
Un PowerPC 601 et un Peltier
by Le Taurillon - about 4 hours
Le 18 juin 1989, alors que le Parlement européen annonce les résultats des 3èmes élections directes de son histoire, les écologistes européens fêtent leur première victoire institutionnelle : pour la première fois, ils sont en capacité de former un groupe politique à part entière au sein du Parlement européen. Depuis les élections européennes de 1979, les neufs élus écologistes au Parlement européen formaient un “groupe arc-en-ciel” de circonstance avec des élus régionalistes. Au nombre de 30 en 1989, les eurodéputés écologistes espèrent désormais peser sur l'agenda politique européen.
Ces élections marquent un tournant dans l'histoire de l'écologie politique européenne. En...
by Usbek & Rica - about 4 hours
Omniprésentes et ultra-persistantes, les substances poly et perfluorées (PFAS), qualifiées de « polluants éternels », ne contaminent pas seulement nos corps. De l'île-de-France à l'Himalaya, c'est la planète dans son ensemble qui est désormais atteinte. Un péril silencieux dont les conséquences pourraient s'étaler sur des millénaires. Explications.
by HackAdAy - about 4 hours
Watercooling is usually more efficient than air cooling for the same volume of equipment, and — important for many people — it is generally quieter. However, you still have water pump noises to deal with. [Der8auer] got a Wieland prototype cooler that doesn’t use a pump. Instead, it relies on the thermosiphon effect. In simple terms, the heat moves water — possibly boiling it — upwards to a radiator. Once the water is cool, it falls down back to the heat exchanger again.
It looks like any other AIO, but the block is extremely flat compared to normal coolers, which have the pump on top of the plate. As you might expect, orientation matters, and you can’t have tight bends in the hoses. The system...
by Courrier International - about 5 hours
Des responsables israéliens ont confirmé vendredi à la presse américaine avoir lancé une opération sur le territoire iranien, notamment dans la ville d’Ispahan, en réponse à l’attaque sans précédent de Téhéran contre l’État hébreu le week-end dernier.
by Buzzfeed - about 5 hours
All I want to know is what genius came up with the hands-free pot stirrer and in-flight foot hammock.View Entire Post ›
by Courrier International - about 6 hours
Les États-Unis ont mis leur veto, jeudi 18 avril, à un projet de résolution soumis au Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU, proposant l’adhésion pleine et entière des Palestiniens aux Nations unies. Washington martèle qu’un État palestinien de plein droit ne peut naître que de négociations avec Israël.
by Courrier International - about 6 hours
Loin du conservatisme chaste et bon teint de leurs aînés, de nouveaux chrétiens décomplexés, adeptes de Trump, n’ont plus peur de briser les tabous, souligne “The New York Times”.
by BBC - about 7 hours
There are reports of explosions near Isfahan, as Iranian state media downplays any Israeli attack.
by HackAdAy - about 7 hours
Back in 2012, [Matt Parker] and a team built a computer out of dominos for the Manchester Science Festival. [Andrew Taylor], part of the team that built the original,  has built a series of virtual domino puzzles to help explain how the computer worked. He also links to a video from the event, but be warned: the video contains some spoilers for the puzzles. If you are ready for spoilers, you can watch the video below.
The original computer could add two three-bit numbers and provide a four-bit result. We don’t want to give away the answers, but the inverter is quite strange. If you don’t want to puzzle it out, you can press the “reveal answer” to see [Andrew’s] solutions. Press “play” and watch...
by The Verge - about 8 hours
Razer Razer’s latest mobile gaming controller just released today, the Kishi Ultra, is an all-rounder that can switch between multiple devices. The controller has a built-in USB-C port that can work with the iPhone 15 series as well as most Android smartphones (Razer says it’s compatible with the Galaxy 23 series, Pixel 6 and up, the Razer Edge, and “many other Android devices.”) It also seems to work perfectly fine with Galaxy Z Fold 5 and other foldables. The controller can expand to fit your iPad Mini and any 8-inch Android tablets, and you can also tether it to your PC. Razer Razer’s Kishi Ultra can also work on tablets. One interesting feature in the Kishi Ultra is the inclusion of Razer’s...
by Wired - about 8 hours
The open source Llama 3 AI model released by Meta today is just the start, according to the company’s chief AI scientist, Yann LeCun. He said a new, much larger version is in the works.
by BBC - about 9 hours
Benjamin Netanyahu's representatives have agreed to take US concerns "into account", the White House says.
by Buzzfeed - about 9 hours
If you think about it, it's extra money anyway. 🤷‍♀️View Entire Post ›
by io9 - about 10 hours
Ella Purnell as Fallout’s LucyPhoto: JoJo Whilden/Prime VideoThe world it takes place in may have ended, but Fallout will continue—the Prime Video adaptation of Bethesda’s long-running, post-apocalyptic video game series is getting a second season. Variety, Deadline, and the Hollywood Reporter all shared the news, with THR including this statement from Amazon MGM Studios head Jennifer Salke: “Jonah [Nolan, co-producer], Lisa [Joy, co-producer], Geneva [Robertson-Dworet, co-showrunner and writer], and Graham [Wagner, co-showrunner and writer] have captivated the world with this ground-breaking, wild ride of a show. The bar was high for lovers of this iconic video game and so far we seem to have exceeded...
by The Verge - about 10 hours
Image: Amazon Just a week after the show first premiered, Amazon has confirmed that there’s more of its live-action Fallout series on the way. As of now there are no details available other than the fact that the show has been renewed for season 2.
While there are no specific numbers about how well the show has done on Prime Video, Amazon says that “in its first four days, the high-octane fueled series has become a hit with its global audience, ranking among the service’s top three most-watched titles ever and the most-watched season globally since Rings of Power.” The aforementioned Lord of the Rings show premiered back in 2022.
Set in LA, Amazon’s take on Fallout is told through three different...
by HackAdAy - about 10 hours
The best thing about buying your own home is that you can hang things on the walls. It’s a human right all too often denied to renters the world over. Regardless, five years later, when you’re doing the mandatory minimalist remodel, you’ll be ruing the day you put in all those wall anchors. At that point, consider removing them with this nifty tool from [XDIY with Itzik].
The design aims to remove wall anchors as cleanly as possible. It’s easiest to watch the video to get the idea of how it works.
The tool features a block which holds a bearing. That bearing acts as a rotating stop for a wood screw. The idea is that you place the block against the wall, and use a power drill to drive a wood screw into...
by Wired - about 10 hours
Space law just got a little more complicated.
by La Horde - about 10 hours
Lettre d'informations mensuelle de la Horde – Avril 2024 -
by BBC - about 11 hours
The trial, the first ever in which an ex-US president is the defendant, may see opening arguments on Monday.
by The Verge - about 11 hours
The Meta Quest 2 and its bundled controllers. | Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge The Meta Quest 2 has been on sale for nearly a month, and today, Meta’s making that price permanent — $199 is the new sticker price for the virtual reality headset, the company announced today. That’s half what it originally cost in 2020, and Meta is permanently cutting the price of Quest 2 accessories like the Elite Strap with Battery (which I highly recommend) in half as well. The Quest 2 is currently being supplanted by the $500 Quest 3, of course, but it’s still an incredible entry point to VR, one that plays every Quest game except for a single Quest 3-exclusive title announced last month. It doesn’t have...
by Hiram - about 11 hours
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Cet article Le colloque des 15e et 16e degrés du REAA est apparu en premier sur
by Hiram - about 11 hours
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Cet article Pourquoi devenir Franc-Maçon aujourd’hui ? est apparu en premier sur
by io9 - about 11 hours
Image: Kaare Andrews/Marvel ComicsLast summer, Marvel Comics boldly announced that it would return to “The Most Notorious Spider-Man Story Ever Told,” to which the world cried out “You’ll really have to be more specific!” After quickly clarifying that it was a sequel to Spider-Man: Reign, the world cried out again: “Oh. The one with the radioactive jizz?” Now, we know a little more about the hows and whys.Today, Marvel announced that Spider-Man: Reign II would begin this summer, a five-issue miniseries that sees Reign’s original writer/artist, Kaare Andrews (for whom Reign was his first major comics work), return to the world of his 2006 story—an alt-future tale that starred an older,...
by Wired - yesterday at 23:33
After months of secrecy, Neuralink revealed that the partner site for its brain implant study is the Barrow Neurological Institute.
by io9 - yesterday at 23:15
Image: Universal PicturesLike Leigh Whannell’s 2020 reimagining of The Invisible Man,Abigail proves that you don’t need a bigger Dark Universe to make damn good horror films as part of Universal’s legacy in the genre. The latest from Radio Silence (Ready or Not, Scream) takes vampire lore to a fun and exciting new level. Abigail’s premise centers on a band of crooks who get hired to kidnap a very mysterious and important man’s daughter. There’s an excellent gang set-up introducing each member of the crew in a bar scene where Melissa Barrera’s character reads everyone to filth without knowing their real names—it’s very Hitchcockian. But the tables turn when they arrive for their night of...
by The Verge - yesterday at 22:36
Illustration by Nick Barclay / The Verge Netflix is moving beyond subscriber numbers. In its first quarter earnings results released on Thursday, Netflix announced that it will stop reporting quarterly membership numbers in 2025 because subscribers are “just one component” of its growth. The change comes after a quarter where it added 9.3 million subscribers, growing to more than 270 million members globally. Subscriber count meant everything in the early days of streaming. It allows investors, studios, and everyone else to gauge just how well a streaming service is doing compared to the competition, and Netflix has leaned on its lead in that area. But now, Netflix says it is flipping this idea on its head...
by io9 - yesterday at 22:15
Image: Heritage AuctionsIt was our first look at the vision of Star Trek’s future: the original ship model of the USS Enterprise that zoomed across screens in the show’s opening credits. But after being loaned out during the making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, it had gone missing... until now.After, bizarrely, it randomly turned up on eBay last fall—the first time it had been seen publicly since it had gone missing—the original model of the Enterprise made for the Star Trek pilot “The Cage” and shooting its opening titles sequences is now back in the hands of the Roddenberry estate. After the eBay seller quickly learned just what they had their hands on, the model was handed over to Heritage...
by HackAdAy - yesterday at 22:00
[Peter Holderith] set out some time ago to build an electric go-kart. That by itself is not terribly unusual, but where his project diverts from the usual is in the fact that each of the four wheels has an integrated hub motor.
It might not look it, but each wheel has an integrated hub motor.
This kart project is a bit of a work in progress, with [Peter] previously building (then scrapping) a failed attempt at a cheap suspension system. But it’s completely operational with all four wheels able to deliver a monstrous amount of power despite being limited by the power supply (a battery pack salvaged from an Audi Q5 Hybrid).
The kart might not look it, but it weighs 177 pounds (80 kg) with the battery and...
by The Verge - yesterday at 21:35
Cath Virginia / The Verge | Photos from Getty Images The Senate is moving forward on a vote to reauthorize a controversial program that allows warrantless surveillance of foreign “targets.” Before voting on the reauthorization bill, senators had to vote on a cloture motion to begin voting. The cloture motion passed 67–32, just one day ahead of the program’s expiration.
Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) is set to expire at midnight on April 19th, a deadline some senators emphasized as they urged their colleagues to vote in favor of reauthorization. “It’s hard to overstate either the importance — the gravity — of allowing it to sunset, yet we are 36 hours away from...
by Wired - yesterday at 21:25
One juror in former US president Donald Trump’s criminal case in New York has been excused over fears she could be identified. It could get even messier.
by Korben - yesterday at 20:44
Accrochez-vous à vos claviers, car Meta vient de lâcher dans la nature une nouvelle créature nommée Llama 3. Oui, vous avez bien compris, je parle de la dernière génération de modèles de langage « open source » (ou presque, on y reviendra) de la société de Mark Zuckerberg. Si vous pensiez que ChatGPT, Claude ou Mistral étaient les rois de la savane, attendez de voir débarquer ces nouveaux lamas survitaminés ! Avec des versions allant de 8 à 400 milliards de paramètres (pour les non-initiés, disons que c’est l’équivalent de leur QI 🧠), les Llama 3 atomisent littéralement la concurrence sur de nombreux benchmarks standards, que ce soit en termes de connaissances générales, de...